Audio treatment project for Alpha Boys School

Jamaica 2017

The Alpha Institute (Alpha Boys School)  is now its 137th year of Operation. The school serves 150 students in total, of which 40 are music students. Private lessons for instrument and voice are held after school and on weekends.

The curriculum is a unison curriculum designed for a vocational program. An immediate priority or the music department is to update the learning spaces which were built in the late 1940s and were not originally intended for music. The Bob Marley Foundation and private donors have provided funds for construction of a flagship 25ft x 25ft Ensemble Music Room. This expansion will provide the at-risk and marginalized boys at the school with improved music education, job opportunities and relationship and moral building.

Even the government’s newest facilities are pressed to keep pace.
The People Bridge sponsored part of this project. This time we provided funds to build and install audio treatment for their 25ft x 25ft new ensemble music room to improve and preserve sound quality.

This expansion will provide the at-risk and marginalized boys residents at the school with improved music education, financial stability, job opportunities  and relationship and morale building.

The Audio panels were installed in January 24th. To find out more information about the Alpha Boys School please visit

Audio panels being installed at the school
Audio room set and ready